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Reloading question -- expander ball

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I took the expander ball off my 6mm BR resizing die, carefully placed it the right way up on my desk so I'd know which way round it went back on, and promptly knocked it on the floor.


It is very subtly different either end; best way to describe it is like an egg with the top and bottom cut off. You can hardly tell but it is not the same each end.


So the question is, which way does it go back on? Thinner at the top, or the bottom?


Cheers : )



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The best generalised advice is to put it back in the orientation that looks like it will give the smoothest entry to the case neck on the press upstroke...IE as the neck is expanded.


A look at the websites of whichever manufacturer it comes from might help ... there are usually diagrams there or in catalogues.

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The best generalised advice is to put it back in the orientation that looks like it will give the smoothest entry to the case neck on the press upstroke...IE as the neck is expanded.


A look at the websites of whichever manufacturer it comes from might help ... there are usually diagrams there or in catalogues.[/quot



...or even email the manufacturer,and get the informed,accurate answer,if the diagrams are not enough...


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Cheers, kind offer. It's a Forster, don't know if they are similar but it might be interesting to know anyway.


A look at their web site (can't believe I didn't think of that!) reveals various instruction leaflets, one of them has a diagram which includes the resizing ball, but it's not clear which way up it goes, nor even that it's different either end. Which makes me think perhaps it doesn't matter. I've emailed Forster but if they don't get back to me I think I'll just use it the thin end up, as that will provide the gentlest path out on the up stroke.

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Forster got back to me in just a few hours, saying: "It does not matter which way you assemble it. We would probably suggest you put the “thin” side up. Just be certain to tighten it up firmly on the spindle so that the expander doesn't come loose during the sizing operation."


So there we have it.


Cheers for all your input, folks.


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