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After speaking to a good mate of mine earlier this evening, I had all the intentions of calling 6MMBR back after he had finished eating his Spag Boll, so he could explain how to put photos on this site :P

I was just looking at a few shooting things on You tube when the phone goes, a mate of mine who lives next door to a chicken farm drove into his lane and a big old charlie was laying in the field getting stuck into something .

"Get your Ass up here now and bring your musket", were the words I had over the phone,

Got the gear , in the car and away, as I pulled into the lane there was charlie sitting there looking pleased as punch.

I got the gun out of the case stuck the lamp on top ,put the window down and sorted that little problem out, Charlie didnt like the 58grn Vmax very much it gave him a splitting headache from about 70 yrds. :P:P:P

I had a look around and there was nothing else showing so got out and got over to were the fox was laying , it was a big Vixon and had been chewing on a lamb,god knows were she got that from as there are no sheep farms for about 2miles, I was expecting to see a load of feathers and bits of chicken.

She was pretty plump so I opened her up to see what else she had been eating, mice,feathers and rabbit fur and a few very small cubs were on the inside so saved myself some work there in the future.

Got the old whistle out and had a call for about 10mins and in off the road come a small manky looking thing,I shot that it was a small dog fox full of mange so I have done him a big favor. :D

So Dave I was wasnt being funny when I didnt ring you back I was just enjoying myself, I hope the Spag Boll was better than the COFFEE ;)

Will try and get some picks on this thing soon cheers Guys happy hunting :)

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