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Cracking night out!


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Order of 50 rabbits this week, so I met my mate down the farm about 8, had 2 friends over from Sweden keen to do some lamping. So we loaded the kobota up and set off, by 10:45 we had 82 in the basket little over but the sweds were loving the action and they were good shots for saying they had never shot under the lamp before. We put the 22 away then, as we don't won't to kill them out as we have got lots of winter to come with many more orders, reckon if we carried on would of had 150 plus, but we left them and carried on looking for a fox, we come across one but sadly my mate missed him wasn't the easiest of shots so I let him off ha. But good night plenty of action good laugh so everyone was happy. But I won't be tonight when I Finnish work and have to go skin them all ha ;)

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