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Catching up with the duck thiefs


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Hi, getting home from work last night there was a message left on the answer machine from one very annoyed farmer saying that for two nights on the trot a "dark old fox" had been lurking about his pet duck pens just before dark and after that was heard barking down in a winter wheat field.

Only this night it had dug under the wire and made a mess of 5 runner ducks one of which was missing. So a quick supper, kit gathered up and off to Ivegill for a lamp. Getting there a little after 8pm, conditions were spot on it's as it was very dark and overcast with a blustery wind hitting my face. A quick chat with the farmer and off after Charlie. A quick glance over the pens showed a fair hole under the wire beyond which lay 4 headless ducks! Heading off down the lower ground I caught a flash well off to the right two fields over, lamp off and a quiet walk along 2 headland and over the gate into the field I got the flash. A few little squeaks, lamp on scan across the wheat and nothing! Carry on walking up the headland lamping along the way when I get just the slightest of flashes up a tramline next to a old oak in the middle of the field. Sure it's a fox with it's back to me so get laid down, can just make the tree out and range it a 257yards and quietly remove the red filter from the light. Get behind the scope and aim up the tramline flick the lamp on, no eyes but the backend of a fox sitting like a dog pulling a something on the ground. Dot in-between it's shoulder blades and away goes the 55grn v-max and I watch it drop with a very good "thwack" returning, a quick reload and up for a call and a lamp with nothing showing. Walk down to fox and it's a very full looking vixen eating a runner duck! A quick open up and she's carrying 5 cubs and about 2weeks off cubbing I would think. Quick lamp and start to head off back up to where I started. Half way over the gate and behind me a fox starts calling, quietly move back over the gate and a quick lamp reveals a fox heading down the same tram line at speed, walk over to my last firing point get laid down ready and lamp on. A fox is lit up in the tramline about 120yards and a quick shot is made into its bib before it moves away and a reassuring "thwack" returns. Pace up and its 118yards and a "very dark old dog fox" dead where it dropped. Getting back to the farm after seeing nothing else for a brew with the farmer he's well chuffed and so am I, took about an hour and a half but 7 foxes for 2 shots carn't be bad! Cheers and happy hunting, Simon.

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