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back yard fox


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Hi there we have 100 lambs with ewes just outside in the back field i had seen 2 foxes there in the last week but the have seen the lamp before i check every night to see if there the but no luck. Tonight i went out 15 mins ago i put a sheet of ply on the lower roof as a rest during the week for shooting greys and magpies at distance i gave the lamp a quick flick straight away seen a fox back in for the .308. Back out up on step ladder i could see the fox out 90 yards with out the light put the crosshair on him took my time he was side on but moving i sent 125 b-tip into it massive report god was i happy . Got into field walked over well the pics speak for them selfs one less to bother the lambs he had being licking lamb crap he was a sick looking fox rotten with mange on back legs

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