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learn from my mistake


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How many carry backup torches


Most of the time i shoot with a partner,on this occasion my shooting buddy decided he wasnt going,to late to phone someone so went on my tod

i have shot at night plenty times before on my own but not on these places.

we shoot on some quite big moorland but normaly drive the tracks that run through them,

i like to walk so this night thats what i done,got parkd up and set off,heard a fox barking and eventualy shot it on the track,then saw three out on a clear area on the moor .to get to a shooting position i had to walk down a bank across a small beck then up the otherside of another bank,shot another fox (a vixen)then disaster the lamp went out turned out bulb had blew,now my problem was geting back to the track as i couldnt see a thing (no bloody backup light DOOH :wacko: ) luckily i could see a pylon on the skyline so headed of that way knowing i would eventualy hit the track and make my way back to my vehicle managed to get down the bank and to the beck and bloody hell it was cold,got back up the other side and on to the track knackerd as it was bloody hard walking and so back to the vehicle and changed the bulb,now if i had been on my next venue then i would have been kn*****d as there is no landmark to head to and some serious drops to walk off so would have been a cold night sitting out till daylight

anyhow ended up with three foxs,(TWO DOGS ONE VIXEN)


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Sounds like a successful night lamping.


I carry a spare bulb in my pocket and i have a decent torch on my phone.



The amount of times I've thought thank .... I've got a lightforce with a spare bulb and fuse in the handle has made me put up with the sh@tty wiring for years.

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