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First fox!!!


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I thought that some one would ask me to do it all over again :wacko: ??


Here go,s,,,


Sunday morning out shooting pigeons with Jay foxing,,,

not the biggest bag in the world,, but some of the best shots that i have seen,,,,

Will remember them for a long time to come!!!!!


Sunday night was the first outing of this year, and i was very keen to get the first fox out of the way,,, I hate this time of the year because it is back to the start "zero" fox count,,,

We went around some of the best foxing farms that we have got, and not seen a dicky bird??

Then on one little field in the distance was a nice bright pair of eyes :) ,,, So a look through the scope and yes it was a big fox just sitting there looking strait at us,,well

we called and called and this fox would not move an inch???, then 20yrds to one side of him there appeared another pair of eyes,,,He had got other things on his mined :wub: ,,,


Now by this time the farmer was saying shoot the bloody thing,but he only had a hand held lamp in his hand??. he could see the foxes but i could not see my crosse hairs in the scope :mad::mad:,, The big lamp was in the landrover plugged in to the ciggy lighter socket????

So take a chance turn the little lamp of and go to the landrover that was just at the back of us??? got set up on the bonnet,,big lamp on, and he was still in the same place,,

I thought that he was stuffed :D:D , this was to easy,,, I do not normaly like head shots, as the fox has a habit of turning his head just as you pull the trigger,,,

But this bugger was asking for it!!!! so with the cross hairs on his head, 200yrd to the target, 65g b/tip in 6mm ppc, no wind what so ever!! the shot was taken???, seen him fall to the ground as though he had been hit with a hammer,,,


Job done and the first fox of the year out of the way B)B)


Mick i hope that you are happy now?????


BT, no tea??,, but no sleep and plenty of pain killers,,,


Hope to see you lads soon,, Darrel

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I thought that some one would ask me to do it all over again :wacko: ??


Here go,s,,,


Sunday morning out shooting pigeons with Jay foxing,,,

not the biggest bag in the world,, but some of the best shots that i have seen,,,,

Will remember them for a long time to come!!!!!


Sunday night was the first outing of this year, and i was very keen to get the first fox out of the way,,, I hate this time of the year because it is back to the start "zero" fox count,,,

We went around some of the best foxing farms that we have got, and not seen a dicky bird??

Then on one little field in the distance was a nice bright pair of eyes :) ,,, So a look through the scope and yes it was a big fox just sitting there looking strait at us,,well

we called and called and this fox would not move an inch???, then 20yrds to one side of him there appeared another pair of eyes,,,He had got other things on his mined :wub: ,,,


Now by this time the farmer was saying shoot the bloody thing,but he only had a hand held lamp in his hand??. he could see the foxes but i could not see my crosse hairs in the scope :mad::mad:,, The big lamp was in the landrover plugged in to the ciggy lighter socket????

So take a chance turn the little lamp of and go to the landrover that was just at the back of us??? got set up on the bonnet,,big lamp on, and he was still in the same place,,

I thought that he was stuffed :D:D , this was to easy,,, I do not normaly like head shots, as the fox has a habit of turning his head just as you pull the trigger,,,

But this bugger was asking for it!!!! so with the cross hairs on his head, 200yrd to the target, 65g b/tip in 6mm ppc, no wind what so ever!! the shot was taken???, seen him fall to the ground as though he had been hit with a hammer,,,


Job done and the first fox of the year out of the way B)B)


Mick i hope that you are happy now?????


BT, no tea??,, but no sleep and plenty of pain killers,,,


Hope to see you lads soon,, Darrel



Next time Darrel can we have a bit more grit and excitment in the story..so when im reading it ,its like im there.. :lol:


Only joking bud...be a few weeks before i get to take my No 1 this yr.



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Yup, it's good to get that first one out of the way early.

I'd not been out since before xmas due to work/wrapping prezzies & the Disco fuel pump letting go :angry:


Sunday night saw the first foray of the year, first farm has a long lane with no hedges eitherside which we drive down to get a parking spot for a call/wait.

We had gone 100yds when my buddy gave the "got one" call which always gets your attention regardless of any inane drivel he's been harping on about previously :)


It was only 120yds away but didn't seem to mind the lamp too much but we were gloriously backlit by the motorway which runs the other side of the farm.


I thought there's no way he's going to sit there like a fireside puppy & wait for me to get ready but after chucking the bag on the bonnet & lining up the rifle he was there still not giving a jot about us at all.

He still made a good 50 yds even though the V max hit him fair & square in the chest & exited at the side of his spine.


fairly confident he hadn't encountered any 4x4's toting lamps when he'd been scrounging outside McDonalds the week previous.


Seem to be getting a fair few townie Charlies on my permissions lately.


Good size he was too but just not switched on to survive the harsh realities of the countryside.



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Yup, it's good to get that first one out of the way early.

I'd not been out since before xmas due to work/wrapping prezzies & the Disco fuel pump letting go :angry:


Sunday night saw the first foray of the year, first farm has a long lane with no hedges eitherside which we drive down to get a parking spot for a call/wait.

We had gone 100yds when my buddy gave the "got one" call which always gets your attention regardless of any inane drivel he's been harping on about previously :)


It was only 120yds away but didn't seem to mind the lamp too much but we were gloriously backlit by the motorway which runs the other side of the farm.


I thought there's no way he's going to sit there like a fireside puppy & wait for me to get ready but after chucking the bag on the bonnet & lining up the rifle he was there still not giving a jot about us at all.

He still made a good 50 yds even though the V max hit him fair & square in the chest & exited at the side of his spine.


fairly confident he hadn't encountered any 4x4's toting lamps when he'd been scrounging outside McDonalds the week previous.


Seem to be getting a fair few townie Charlies on my permissions lately.


Good size he was too but just not switched on to survive the harsh realities of the countryside.



Nice one Gran, as you say always nice to get the first one out of the way!!!!,,

Fox count up to three sofar, so not a bad start,,



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