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Bunny @ 809yds


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Just the other day Trigger2, Foxing2night and I along with a couple of other shooters.

Popped up to the mountainous heights of North Wales for a bit of a long range gong shooting.

As well as putting Trigger2's new barrel through its paces. (and his legs with summer time shorts)




Just a bit of info about the new barrel:-




Heavy barrel profile

75 A-Max bullet


The test group was 6 rds in sub 1/4 MOA


The barrel was fitted by the rifle magician - Mike Norris of Brock & Norris.


While up in Norht Wales, we noticed that a rabbit had made the mistake of digging its burrow right

next to our gong at 809 yds. (bad mistake)


The following shot was taken by Trigger2 with a cold barrel at 809 yds (in conjunction with Brown Dogs charts) witnessed by 4 people.




Kind Regards



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