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Stock killing sorted


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I received a phone call from a farmer the other night telling me he had lost a 30kg lamb the last 3 nights running.Out with the lamp we saw nothing so I set a couple of snares and returned for first light on Sat morning.


I had caught a vixen in a snare :clapper:




Shortly afterwards I shot the dog fox emerging from the wood :thumbs:




A very satisfying morning and one happy farmer................



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I would not bank on having sorted it.


30kg is a very big lamb for a fox or even two of them to tackle, far heavier than the fox itself. Healthy little lambs are taken yes but I have never seen any evidence of a fox taking fit healthy lambs of this size. Yes they will eat dead or nearly dead ones but I have seen them walk through a field of far smaller lambs and totally ignore them. A vixen when she has cubs to feed is usually the lamb killer culprit but there are no cubs this time of year. I would not have thought that there was much of a food shortage yet although the snow will not have helped them worming, mousing etc.


Now if you said 3kg xmas lambs born for the easter marker then its highly likely that you have nailed the culprits but 30KG (66lbs) is about 75% of slaughter weight so a big lamb.


Nice bit of work anyway especially the snare.



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I worked i east sussex for a ew years and shortage of food was the main reason for fast clear up of dead lambs. we also opened a lot of foxes up to see what they were on ,ie food sheep crap was ther main food sorce at laming time ?

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I worked i east sussex for a ew years and shortage of food was the main reason for fast clear up of dead lambs. we also opened a lot of foxes up to see what they were on ,ie food sheep crap was ther main food sorce at laming time ?


This summer in one grass field grazed by sheep I have shot 7 foxes, the rest of the shoot which is mainly arable 8. My dogs are also partial to a bit of hot and steamy sheep extract as well.



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  • 5 months later...
This summer in one grass field grazed by sheep I have shot 7 foxes, the rest of the shoot which is mainly arable 8. My dogs are also partial to a bit of hot and steamy sheep extract as well.



like lion prides /sometimes specialists are born /foxes are great oppertuinsts and both sexes generaly 2lb bigger than wot they used to wey .we are a country of waist today /sheep farmers sometimes leave dead sheep about save phoening the nacker man saves money but gives the fox the taste /u should read some foxs study books to see what amazing things our red fox as killed and taken away

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