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Hi. All As most of you know I had a slight break from shooting. Well I am glad to say I,m back at it

Joan and I went out for a look round last Friday night just to see how I managed with carrying a rifle and lamp plus battery pack over 4 or 500 acres . We did see one fox which I shot which turned out to be a small Vixen. and apart from a slight ache in the legs the next morning all was well.

We were out again on Monday night on another place I look after and managed to call a fox in from off a muck pile that one was a dog fox. Tuesday night I was on the back of my mates quad he did the shooting me with the lamp. I called one in from about 4-500yds only to have Rick miss due to the fact he was shooting down hill and forgot to make allowance for the shot. He then made a hell of a shot on a dog fox across the far side of a rape field . One that I would have passed up. We then ran into a small vixen about 20yds out which ran off , but I managed to stop with a loud yelp just long enough for Rick to get the shot . Wednesday night it was mine and Joan,s turn again.We went to a farm just 4 fields away from my back door we saw 5 and shot 3 two dogs one vixen. The first dog was over the boundry and across a road and half way out in the next field I tried a call but douted he would cross the road. He proved me wrong. I lay down for the shot but he wound,nt stand still long enough. any way we caught up with him lower down the field and this time I stopped him with a whistle long enough for a 40g nosler to put his lights out.We on around the farm saw two that we could not get a shot at. We went into the last field for the night flicked the lamp round nothing doing so decided to have a call. This field nearly always produces a fox to the call, they come from over the next farm and across a sunked b road I started calling and sure enough a sett of eyes apeared at the top of the field by the road,. Now then we got to get him down into the field and away from the road to make it a safe shot well I kept calling but he was not taking any notice of it. So it was a matter of trying to sneak up on him from a diferent direction to get a shot this went on for a few mins with the fox just mooching about. in the end a safe shot was presented on only for me to miss The fox had no idea were the shot came from as it ran first one way then the other

finaly the fox went below a ridge which enabled us to sneak up to him again this time I did,nt miss

he was about 80yds away. I then panned the light around the field on the off chance of seeing another and sure enough there was another sett of eyes . Started to call and in it came like a train

gave a cought which stopped her long enough for a shot. We are out tonight after rabbits and maybe a fox or two. So you can see Joan and me are have fun. Ps. a farmer that I did some fox controll for who keeps around 500 sheep called in tonight with a box of lamb all packed and ready for the freezer . Eric

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