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Good afternoon


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Me and Ratch were out yesterday afternoon . This fox was out mooching at 3.30pm in the middle of a grass field. I turned the car round and got rifle ready , the fox was walking away from me so i jumped over the gate and lay in postion only for the fox to disappear into some bracken . A little squeak and out she popped and the .22/250 knocked her over clean . Good start to the afternoon as we hadnt even got to our chosen destination.




We then pulled up to the next spot and Ratch grabbed his .243


I then spotted a young buck out feeding . Ratch took him at around 180 metres :clapper: A perfect heart shot ( which I personally dont like as the beast always runs ) this buck ran a bit before collapsing.On gralloching him his heart was in 3 pieces :) I prefer a high lung shot which knocks them down on the spot.


We continued and I glassed a nice 6 pointer right on dusk which I managed to grass also :D


All in all a good afternoon :D


Ready for home .........................



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