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saturday nights triple


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after a warm week and a nice day yesterday i went for a wander around the farm ,the evening was warm and still,arrived at 9.00pm checked the baits i been putting down all week and no sign of foxy yet , decided to go for a walk around and things seemed quiet until i spotted a fox sitting in a field just over 100yrds away put lamp on him he stood up and looked at me ,click bang watched him fold over in the scope. http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z143/ma...090919-2134.jpg

a cracking dog fox with a lovely coat and brush was in the bag . after looking in a few more fields up the top i headed down to the bait where 2 sets of eyes were crunching on the bones i left,got as close as i could with the nv mono and set up around 80yrds looking through mono/scope i shot the one on the left with the one on the right just looking around i cycled the bolt sharpish and managed to drop him too before he took off so well chuffed , 2 this year cubs from same litter by the look 1 vixon and 1 dog http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z143/ma...090919-2355.jpg.

atb mark

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