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Ratchermans triple


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Yesterday afternoon saw us travelling to my ground again for a spot of foxing. On the way there we spotted a fox sitting out in a cut grass field at 3pm sunning himself . I turned the car round but he had vanished ;) I thought I would see if he was there with the lamp later.


We lamped one spot and the foxes just werent playing ball , we were seeing them but no shots offered .


I climbed over a dry stone wall in the darkness and took a couple of steps forward only to disappear 3 foot down a drainage ditch :( I badly bruised my cocsics and was a bit shaken but we carried on !!!


Next we tried another spot where the farmer had just cut some grass fields that day on the edge of the hill and I was sure foxes would be hunting here :)


1st flick of the lamp revealed a fox mousing in the fresh cut grass , Ratch shot this one off my shoulder at approx 30 yards :lol:


We saw a few more but the shot didnt present itself again :mad: then on the way back to the car I spied another fox. Ratch once again shot this one off my shoulder at about 50 yards :o


I then drove to the field where we had seen the fox in the afternoon and as I flicked on the lamp there he was :D He took off though running , but he eventually stopped and Ratch took him with a good shot at 190 yards :D


So that was Ratch with his hatrick . A happy foxer travelling home !!!


Another good night mate ...................




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Cheers mate for a good nite like you say we managed 3 but could of been a lot more if it wasnt for them standing in the wrong places, tops of dry stone walls and silhouetted on hills etc :) .Hope your back is ok after falling down that ditch still it could of been worse it might of been me who fell down it :mad: and at least you didnt break my lamp ;)

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