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What dies?


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So I’ve had this set of Lee dies for about 10 years now, and went to use it today to FL size some cases in preparation for some load development I have to do soon.

Anyway, the decap rod kept pulling down as I withdrew the case, so more lube and tighten the collet at the top a bit more, rinse and repeat, until I was tightening it and it didn’t want to go tighter anymore! 

Not entirely sure why it wasn’t retaining the decap/expander pin even at silly torques, but time for a new set of dies anyway! 

Can anyone recommend me a straight forward die, or set of dies for reloading 223 for an AR15. I’ll be full length sizing only. 

I’ve experience with Lee and Whidden, but I don’t fancy the cost/wait for Whidden dies for the 223, given it’s for CSR comps I suspect the Lee ones would have done just fine, but if there’s something nicer for not much more money, I’m in!



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Before you go down the new die route, give the whole thing a good degunge with brake cleaner, then either roughen the contact surface or try thread lock and reassemble, worth a try anyway

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Thanks mate, but I sheared the top of the die off where it pinches against the decap pin!

I’ve done a bit of reading and have ended up with a Forster full length sizing die, looks like it’ll do the trick!

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