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Butler creeks & Bushwacker covers/flip ups

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Having a clear out of scope covers/flip ups. all in good/working condition
Butler creeks as below.

1. 1x Eye piece size 14-16-17. (size in m.m 40.8 - 42.2- 42.5.)
2. 2x Obj size 39-40-43 (size in m.m 56.4- 57.2- 58.7.)

Bushwacker covers/flip ups Yellow colour as below.

3. 1x eye piece size 14-16-17. (size in m.m 40.8 - 42.2- 42.5.)
4. 1x Obj size 39-40-43 (size in m.m 56.4- 57.2- 58.7.)
5. 1x Obj size 46-47-48 (size in m.m 61.7- 62.5


Withdrawn Posted Mainland U.K



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