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A Romantic Novel


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Well, last night I nipped out to do a farmer a favour by taking care of a crafty fox which had been killing his peacocks. :mad:


As I waited in my trusty old rust bucket i.e. Land Rover Discovery....I spotted the tell-tale sign of eye shine. :ph34r:


So I got out my secret fox call and puckering up, proceeded to do a bloody good impression of a nymphomaniac vixen..... :P


Well, it was clear that he was definitely up for it....... :blink:


I could see his eyes shining brightly the other side of the hedgerow....but no safe shot presented itself...... :mad:


So I kept singing sweet nothings to him....until he started moving in the direction I wanted him to go. Straight towards a gap in the hedgerow next to a big old oak tree.


Well, he duly obliged, and once in the gap he sat down.....obviously to contemplate which chat-up line to use.... :P


It was at this point that sex....love & betrayal hit him at 3465 fts.....ain't love grand........ :blink:


All the ingredients for a cracking romantic novel...... :wub:


Barbara Cartland....eat ya heart out..... :P




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Very good :) seems the dog on my farm is more interested in romance than food at the mo :/ he won't come to any call I have, but I heard a vixen call the other night while he was in the lamp and he was off like a shot, time to get a 'horny bitch' call I think. Good shooting buddy :)

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Well, last night I nipped out to do a farmer a favour by taking care of a crafty fox which had been killing his peacocks. :mad:


As I waited in my trusty old rust bucket i.e. Land Rover Discovery....I spotted the tell-tale sign of eye shine. :ph34r:


So I got out my secret fox call and puckering up, proceeded to do a bloody good impression of a nymphomaniac vixen..... :P


Well, it was clear that he was definitely up for it....... :blink:


I could see his eyes shining brightly the other side of the hedgerow....but no safe shot presented itself...... :mad:


So I kept singing sweet nothings to him....until he started moving in the direction I wanted him to go. Straight towards a gap in the hedgerow next to a big old oak tree.


Well, he duly obliged, and once in the gap he sat down.....obviously to contemplate which chat-up line to use.... :P


It was at this point that sex....love & betrayal hit him at 3465 fts.....ain't love grand........ :blink:


All the ingredients for a cracking romantic novel...... :wub:


Barbara Cartland....eat ya heart out..... :P




More 'Thrills and Boom' than Ms Cartland,perhaps ?



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