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Wilson seating dies - where?

Guest richness

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Guest richness

Hi guys :) I'm writing an article on the importance or not of totally uniform neck tension. One of th things i'm reviewing to this end is the K&M arbor press with the seating tension force dial on the top. Which Brian Fox has most kindly lent me. What i need now are some L. E Wilson seating dies. Anyone got any cunning ideas who might lend me some, or indeed who has them in stock? Cal would ideally be 6.5x47 but 284Win and 204 Ruger excellent too.

Any help gratefully received :)Richard Utting

PS I think it's important ... i chronoed my latest 6.5x47 load at the weekend as I thought that they had seated particularly well after I'd been doubly careful/choosy/methodical/anal about the whole process. Figures were 3020 3020 3020 3020 3022 Chuffed :);)

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Guest richness

Try Callum at PRS. He stocks wilson dies,He is also a nice guy which helps when trying to blag something :lol:



lol excellent ta :)

Did you get my reply re the r700 SA HS stock Sean?


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Guest richness

I asked ages ago for a cheap stock for a SA R700 on here and you kindly offered me a HS precision you had around. I turned you down in the end as a friend gave me one but now I need another. So today I asked on that same thread, hoping you were still subscribed to it, for you to email me at richard@pc-home-help.com or richutting@gmail.com if you had anything going cheap like that? many thanks!

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I asked ages ago for a cheap stock for a SA R700 on here and you kindly offered me a HS precision you had around. I turned you down in the end as a friend gave me one but now I need another. So today I asked on that same thread, hoping you were still subscribed to it, for you to email me at richard@pc-home-help.com or richutting@gmail.com if you had anything going cheap like that? many thanks!

I still have the HS precision i think.If you want to give me a ring in the morning i will check for you.


TEL 01633 250025

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