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Yeee intreped tales of CZV...

CZ Varminter

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Where shall i begin?...The start...

Ok, about two weeks ago i get a phone call from a farmer pal of mine rather excited saying he had been out in the morning to fresh snow fall to disover fox tracks everywhere all around his farm. Not normal for a farmer to be so excited, but for this one it was a chance for him to invite me over to spend several unsociable hours out with him lamping (just a great excuse for him to get away from the kids and mrs...hence the excitment). I was unfortunately busy for three nights on the bounce, so arranged to go out with him on a saturday night, i was also very excited saturday morning to wake up to a gorgeous day weather wise (that dont happen up here very often in winter) and thort we were on for tonight. I went to work and soon came back after an anxious day of work, to only get a phone call to say that the farm was thick full of bloody FOG!!!! Lampers worst weather?! So that was it job was knackered! To another day...

So we re arranged for the following week but due to unforseen circumstances, said farmer had a suprise prior engagment(funny how wives do do that sometimes)...balls!!! Are we ever going to get out?

So last night was the third time of arranging this trip out. And im pleased to say we finnally got out! The END. :blush: :blush:



I think not...So we arranged to have a chinky before setting of out into the overcast dry cold night, got taht wolfed down and i turn up in the yard after getting my gear together, to discover a new lamping truck!!! Smile is high on face at this point...to then discover that when we turned to engine off the battery was FUBAR!!! so we had to keep it running after a bump start down luckily a steep hill (not short on those). So we drive around land for about two hours. Nothing diddely squat! I look at my phone time is 20:56hrs, im thinking its been a 3/4 moon recently so maybe not quite out to play yet so i set up my FoxPro Spitfire about 40yrds away from truck and get it going, 20mins after calling and occasional lamping i decide to step out of the truck to fetch it in. Take one last lamp, and nothing but sheep eyes who were all huddled together five mins previous they werent, im thinking they are used to call so why the sudden herding? And BAM...300yrds away top of field mr foxy. Yes game on! He was coming into the call...kept it running intermitantly he was tracking downwind of us along way off never came any closer than 300.

So we gathered gear and walked into three fields (approx 700yrds) downwind of us trying to beat him there. It worked. Quick lamp and he was still trying to beat us downwind. So I decide to move ten yards nearer the wall infront of us to lay rifle on, its important to say at this point that we had done very well moving over walls etc with out a noise to get to where we were, then SMACK!!! I go and trip up over the only FU!%%&*NG stone in the field and smash face down with rifle into the field (which happened to be nicely sodden and muddy on top)! How i didnt curse loudly i will never know (later discover dedication to task at hand) quick lamp stupid fox is sat there 138yrds away lovely jubbly! Line him up in sights centre mass under chin....CLICK! Note to self SAFTEY!!! Then what seemed an eternity later BANG.....Smack! Sent the 55gr Seirra Blitzking down range with an almighty slap at the receiving end, GET IN! elated was an understatment! High Fives all round. So we walk out to pick it up 35mins later we still havent found the bloody thing! Never did! FFS i'm pissed at this point so stampede back to the truck to find another.

I hope im not the only one who does this but everything goes through your mind, WTF happened where is it did i miss!? Did the sights go out of sink when i fell etc....with all this in mind we found a poor little rabbit to put my worst fear to rest, 102yrds head shot! no deffo not sights. We drive round another patch of ground where faarmer left two dead lambs out nothing not even been touched. Checked time 22:40hrs. So we drove the three miles back to the farm buldings and checked the reshy ground not only 50yrds from the farms front door. Was about to pull into the yard when i spotted a pair of those lovely red eyes starring right back at me in 3ft high resh! That will do...heart starts going again, ranged it at 180 dead. Leaned over roof of truck and settled centre cross hairs right between eyes. Deffo Charlie himself with the trianglular ears comoflauged from view by the resh. This one was laid down we sneak in another 40yrds with caller going on Distressed Rabbit. Didnt move a muscle I had to stop where I was as the only tree in field would have obstructed bullets flight, had we gone 5yrds further. So i decide to change the call to Distressed Field Mouse and not two squeeks in it stands up, full white chest in view head as clear as anything, tilting its head from side to side in utter intrigue! This is it safety is of with the gentle slide of my thumb centre of eyes in cross hairs drop down an inch...just incase!...and a gentle squeeze and the round smacks home, with a bone smacking sound and it drops like a sack of Spuds! I run straight over and check the fooker is there this time not only ten yrds from where it lay my Muck Boot dissappears into an abyss of boggy cold muddy water! FFS!!! I clamber out of said F!$^%&*ng hole and retrieve the Vixen holding 5cubs!!! That just boosted my confidence no end! and i couldnt give a flying monkeys what had happened previosuly.


So i pick her up practically headless, and sling her over my shoulder and happily walk the 180yrds back to the yard, with rifle and wet right foot an all!

What question i can take from this intreped adventure!?... why an earth do we do these things!? Answer...because were bloody nuts!...no seriously tho how else would we see, hear and do the things we do without our guns in hand.



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Nice write up.

Unxeplained misses sometimes remain as such............... but the doubts do creep in :unsure:

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Great read, weve all been there mate. Can be 100% sure of a hit but sometimes they run. I now treat fopxes the same as deer (No I dont cut them into nice fillet steaks) I watch over them with another in the cahmber ready adn if they twitch too much they get another especially when shot at range.

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