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2 Foxes with my new NV set up and Foxpro Fury

Guest 6.5 X 55

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Guest 6.5 X 55

Magnum and I went out last night for a look on anew permission. I set up the PVS 14 on the day scope and due to not having a 2nd NV spotter we planned to spot with the lowest possible red light we could. Got to first place and had a call for 10 mins nothing materialised so moved over to a paddock that had a good view across 3 fields, one of which traversed up towards a small road apx ½ mile away. We set the Fury on Field mouse distress and within 10 mins we picked up a big set of eyes coming down from the far road way. 99.9% sure it was a fox so watched it coming towards us. No other livestock in any of the fields. It got to apx 400 yards so I slid the bolt back to ensure rifle was safe(you can start a debate on this if you wish chaps but at the end of the day I was happy the rifle was safe and no round went in the chamber until I was 100% sure it was a fox) and turned on the NV and Laser (No moon out last night but I had a clear image of the fox shape at 400 yards, with laser on it was like daylight). I picked up the fox and tuned the side parallax for the range and he was sitting there looking right at me, I could even pick out the white patches on his coat. Totally blown away by the clarity of this unit. I was not happy with the shot because it was higher than us and the road behind we kept calling. I watched him zig zag down to a safe position with the hill behind him but he wouldn’t stop. He got to the fence line at around 150 yards but couldn’t seem to get across (reason for this became clear later!!). Then he disappeared. I waited 5 mins then put the caller back on but with Young Rabbit Distress. We spotted with the red lamp again and picked him up to the right of where we had originally seen him at a good 400+ yards. He started making his way left and got to the left hedge line. I watched him again through the NV. He disappeared and then came back into view on the other side of the hedge, at apx 200 yards I knocked off the caller. He sat facing us, with a nice safe back drop I loaded a 32g Nosler into the chamber lines up the cross hairs on him and shot him clean (head shot). Watched him through NV for 30 seconds adn then turned it off. Ian said he would go pick him up (which he regretted) there was a very deep boggy marsh at the fence line that ran all the way down to where the fox had originally tried to cross, he obviously didn’t fancy a bath in the cold. Ian brought back a very nice sixed dog fox. He also swore a lot and said get your own dead fox next time having had to swim through a deep bog to get it..


We then moved on to another permission....As we started to walk up the track to the farm I realised Id left the Fury on the fence post at the other permission ..After a few expletives we decided to carry on and do it the old way. Got to a gate that allowed cover of 4 fields and started calling. Within 5 mins we picked up eyes right apx 150 yards. He then disappeared sow e kept calling and checking around us. 2 mins later he appeared apx 180 degrees opposite to where he started from looking at us through a gate, he then moved to a gap in the hedge came through half way and stood there. I dropped to 1 knee, I put the NV on, verified it was a fox and put a round in the chamber. I took a neck shot at apx 130 yards. He dropped on the spot, another nice dog fox in excellent condition.


I then had to go back and retrieve the Fury from the original spot J. All in all a very good night and once again blown away by the PVS 14.

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Looks like you have a god bit of kit there,very usefull as you can use the day scope as well what did it set u back,guess it will be seeing some more action after that result,just dont send your buddy to do the retreiving

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Guest 6.5 X 55

Looks like you have a god bit of kit there,very usefull as you can use the day scope as well what did it set u back,guess it will be seeing some more action after that result,just dont send your buddy to do the retreiving



Ill send you a PM re price....Im sure Magnum will comment when he reads this....Im going myself next time :)

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Looks like you have a god bit of kit there,very usefull as you can use the day scope as well what did it set u back,guess it will be seeing some more action after that result,just dont send your buddy to do the retreiving

new rule YOU! shoot it YOU! get it

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i am sure he will return the favour for you

i know whot he will say (we, will leave that 1 there :P ) wish i said that last nite jumped the fence all most up to the top of my wellies in b-----y mud :( well we all bin there it was a good job we where in the van :excl:

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Good going lads, those fox pro sure do the business don't know how I managed without one for so long cracking bit of kit. You can only count the ones you pick up bog or no bog!!! What scope you using to mount the pvs14 onto? Iam having great success at the moment with my nv setup and the fox pro and also the nv over a bait site. Great read, Simon

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