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Barrel wear

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Hi guys.

Typically looking at throat wear in particular. On this case the lands moving out due to wear. What is the common wear process? Is it harsher at first when the rifling has new sharp edges then blunts and wear slows down relatively? Is it steady through the barrels life I.e. certain amount per 100 shots etc. Or does it wear faster per 100 shots as it is nearing its life end?

I realise that every barrel, cal, bullet etc will be different but I would be interested to know if there is any consistency noted across the board during wear.

Also there are many other wear types I have seen such as fire cracking, throats moving out, crowns etc. The erosion of the lands which occurred in my .17 Rem didn't appear to be detrimental to accuracy. Perhaps the jump was not critical in this setup as I didn't even have to alter seating depth but can imagine its a big factor in a seating depth critical load.


Observed responses would be very helpful.



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Fire cracking will kill your barrel first. If you look with a bore scope it will looked like a bit of sundried mud. Its when this starts, you get a rough surface which starts to abraid jackets more and the gun fouls quicker killing accuracy.

The more powder you burn through a small hole the worst it is and quicker it happens.

Actual lands wearing out I have found is slow and progressive and can be compensated for by moving the bullet forward.

Firecracking there is nothing you can do to change.



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Thanks Dave

That is what I have found. My 17 Rem is firecracked to hell. Probably 3-4"! A clean barrel will cause the abrasive cracks to drag harshly on the bullets, giving massive pressure spikes and excessive fouling. New barrel is on route as I write. ;)

Interesting to view people's experiences.



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I've been leaving it fouled as the fouling provides a relative lubrication and smoother passage of the bullet over the fire cracking. Thank god for new barrels though. ;)

Lolling forward to getting it sorted as it gets expensive when you blow primers out of new brass.

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