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Foxing with the kids


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Dear all


Been meaning to post this for a while but I have been busy with various things (read work and if not that stalking and family etc).


Anyway I am bringing up my daughter as I was and thought it would be worth posting some pictures from this summer after the harvest at home.




We shot that one off a 20 foot bale stack (the 1 tonne jobs we have these days as opposed to the "Britains" like farm toy ones we used to know as kids).


The kids loved being up high and waiting for an opportunity.


A bit later on in the month I went out with my daughter and she had the Fox pro out of the back window of the car but this big dog wasn't for moving from the periphery of a 40 acre wood so I decieded to zap him at just over 300 yards with my .22-250 (40 grn V-Max at 4k feet).




This is a pic taken last winter of my daughter using her PCP on her second squirrel to date.


She was most excited and I have to say shot placement was perfect (obviously taught by the "master" :D ).




Anyhow just trying to keep the next generation going but I am fully aware that in several years this will not feature on her radar as it will be clothes and going out and (dreadful gut wrench coming) boys of course :lol: !

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  • 1 month later...

Well done mate, i'm hoping to be able to do the same with my daughter. That looked like a big old fox in the top photo. She looks so chuffed with the squirrel!! Have a good one, Willy

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