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Friday evening......better than watching telly.


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Hi Everyone.


I managed to get out and about for a couple of hours on Friday night. It was lovely and clear down in sussex, with no moon at all. A great night for charlie, apart from a stiff breeze.


After a few minutes of being out we soon realised that it was chuffin' cold out. The thermomiter outside our house said +1 degree, but with the windchill it was more like -5.


I called back into the house for more clothes. I went for 2 layers of Swanndri. Can't beat it. With a wooly hat and some neoprene gloves I was toasty.


The ground has really dried out over this week so we opted for transport rather than sticks this week. We took the polaris and rather than ride one ontop for shooting we decided to have both of us in the cab and i'd just position it so my mate could take rabbits with his .22lr. I've got to say he is a fantastic shot with it. It is an anschutz with a thumbhole stock, sako mod, and a S&B fixed 8x42. Every rabbit head shot and out to some really impressive distances.


My kit was my CZ silhouette .22lr, with its sako mod, and bushnell elite 3-9x40, and my CZ 527 American .223, with its T4 mod, and 6x42 S&B.


Plan was to drive around the fields taking bunnies, then parking up and calling for charlie at my favourite spots. I ended up not taking a single rabbit shot all night and just let my mate carry on.


We parked up in a nice high spot overlooking one of our fields. It backs onto some woodland which goes all the way to the outskirts of Hastings. I used an old wigeon call and and after 10 minutes we heard the tell tale signs of something approaching through the woods. I don't know whether it was the sound on the wind playing tricks, or he was being more cunning but we first caught glimpse of his eyes about 200 yards down the fenceline from where we thought he was going to show.


lamps off, I whistled a little, waited, and then my buddy put the lamp on. There he was standing a few yards into the field at about 200 yards still. The crosshairs were already on his chest at the top, so I just squeezed the trigger and sent the vmax on its way.


Quite a big fox again. Excuse the basic picture editing. It was quite a messy exit wound.




We went to another of my spots where I keep seeing a fox. A lovely position for a shot as well, but close proximity to a road. There are safe shots but only if charlie is sitting to the right of his den and you can put your back to the road. As soon as we turned up we saw eyes but then went. I used the fox call, we sat in silence, but nothing. Strange, living so close to the road you would have thought he would be used to lights and a bit of noise.


Anyway, with one in the bag, and it being colder than a witches tit out we decided to call it a night. There's a few aditional pictures there. One of my .223, and one of our land looking back towards our farm yard, and one of a glorious day in Sussex.


I am changing the scope on my .223. I mainly only use this rifle for lamping now so I am putting the S&B 6x42 on my .243, and a swarovski 8x56 on the .223.





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