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Out foxing


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Got a new piece of land last week.Only 16 acres paddocks mainly, fenced into 150yrds x 150yrds plots.Went last week for the first time plenty of fox's but no safe shots or they would stay the wrong side of the fences.So as its only round the corner from where I work I have been going everyday baiting up with pheasant carcus's to get them out into the open.All the bait has been going and as sure as eggs will be eggs went tonight got the first one in the lamp wouldn't come into the paddock.Waited another ten min's the Mrs flicked on the lamp and bingo mr foxy stalking upto the bait,safty off and one big dog in the bag with the bait stil in his mouth.Gave it another ten mins flicked the lamp and another one coming in,next thing we know the lights have come on in the house at the end of the lane and the car starts up then it pulls in an entrance of the field shinning them straight at us.Then it drives round the back and pulls into the yard,I thought here we go unloaded the gun and walked over to see what he wanted.He just wanted to know if we had permission I told who the land owner was had a little natter and he went on his way.We legged it back to see if the fox was still there and it was but would not come think it had taken some bait while we were side tracked.Still one in the bag and he was a big f----r !!!! back in the week to try again....

Thanks for reading.Pics to follow when I can work out how to do it lol..



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Welldone fella, nice start even with the hickup :rolleyes: Keep the baiting up and give it another go, just keep your presents to a mininum while baiting and keep the lamp of, you dont want him to remember you or the lamp!


Keep up the good work and keep us all posted on how you get on,


o and welcome to the forum mate






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Cheers mate.I bait up mon to fri and shoot sat's.Theres loads there for the taking never been shot before,Not in a hurry just take my time.All seem to be on the hunt between 8.30 to 10 so no late one's.



Have you heared about the trick using an alarm clock? ill tell ya if you havent, but not typing it out if you have lol



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Goodie goodie, save me about half an hours typing trying to tell u how the alarm clock and fishing line works ! :lol::lol:


What gun did you drop charlie with?


He looks healthy!



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Also, try using dog biscuits mixed with tuna and scatter it around a small area. If u use say like a dead carcase, charlie can grab it and then leg it with little chance of a shot, where with the biscuit and tuna method he has to stay put and gobble it up, usally giveing u plenty of time for a succesful shot .


Well worth a try mate :D

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