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Ross Jellyman

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Posts posted by Ross Jellyman

  1. Hi Bob,

    I just bought one of these here in NZ a few weeks back, up until now I've used the Pulsar Photon XT units, both 4x and 6x and have had no problems with either, I use them in conjunction with a Pulsar Axion 30 to stalk (Red Deer) then use the Photon for the shooting. My limited experience so far with the Digex is that it has far superior distance and is a lot clearer/sharper image. I find the controls,being very similar to the Axion, are much easier to operate in the dark than the Photons although the front focus ring is VERY stiff, same also as the Photons,  I find this to be a proverbial PITA as with the IR torch mounted in close proximity to the focus ring it is nigh impossible for the fingers to get enough purchase on the ring to turn it, Pulsar need to address this, they say it is  to prevent the focus ring being moved inadvertently but it's just WAY to stiff. That's the only downside I have found at this stage, we're in 'lockdown' here since just over a week ago so my chances of getting back out with it are a big fat 0, and the stags have just started roaring to add insult to injury. Getting offtrack sorry, so far, very impressed with the Digex, it was a toss up between this and aThermion XP38 but with a $NZ6000 price difference I just had to give this a go first. Feel free to ask any questions, happy to help if I can.

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