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Shiloh Sharps for sale

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I’m reducing my guns to this i’m Only shooting to any degree so have a nice Shiloh BPCR for sale thus:

Shiloh Sharps sportier #1 in 40-65 , semi fancy wood, AAA Finish,pewter forend etc. Ref https://shilohrifle.com/rifles/1874-sharps-rifle/1874-long-range-express-clone/

Fitted with 30” full octagon med-weight 1:16 Green mountain match barrel by C Hardcastle of  Hardcastle Custom Machine NM.

Sights a MVA mid range Soule https://montanavintagearms.com/product/sights/101-mid-range/

with. Lee Shaver eye cup,  http://stores.leeshavergunsmithing.com/hadley-eye-cup-10-40-thread-for-mva-soule/

MVA #113 foresight  https://montanavintagearms.com/product/sights/globe/113-spirit-level-non-windage-sight/

with new set of MVA inserts still on card https://montanavintagearms.com/product/sights/mva/aperture-cards/

Associated accessories included with the rifle:
300+ Starline 40-65 brass, 200 of which are new in packs
2 sets of dies, Lyman & Lee
BACo Compression die
BACo Customs expander die
Press mounted wad cutter die
BACo bullet mould Jim 409395 C1 which drops a 403g bullet in 20:1 

Lee production pot
Approx 200 bullets from this mould lubed with SPG
2 x MTM 100 round ammo boxes
40. Cal nylon wiping rod
40. Cal blow tube

The rifle will shoot the bullet supplied very well with BP but also with the correct smokeless powders e.g. Accurate 5477 (or Lovex equivalent.)

the rifle is in good condition overall, the colour case is still very evident

offers around £2700   SOLD



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  • 3 weeks later...

Unless you're absolutely desperate, I'd keep that...............what a beautiful piece.

I just read "A glimpse into the history", and it's great to see this type of shooting being kept alive.


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