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NV using old smart phone?


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Hey guys


I'm trying a few DIY NV options, I only want it for say 50yrd rabbit shooting so dont need mega range, I started off putting together the usual small camera and screen but then thought why not use an old smart phone?


I have an old HTC desire, if I can remove the IR filter (doesnt look too hard) I'm thinking it'll work as an all in one attachment rather than having the screen. battery, wiring etc separate.


Any thoughts? ideas?





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Guess I'll be blazing a trail with this one then, first hurdle if hit is finding torx drivers small enough to get the phone apart :)


I'll order a T20 IR torch today and atleast have that covered for whichever route I take.

Might be worth asking on here?



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Hey guys


I'm trying a few DIY NV options, I only want it for say 50yrd rabbit shooting so dont need mega range, I started off putting together the usual small camera and screen but then thought why not use an old smart phone?


I have an old HTC desire, if I can remove the IR filter (doesnt look too hard) I'm thinking it'll work as an all in one attachment rather than having the screen. battery, wiring etc separate.


Any thoughts? ideas?





I've had a little look at this Steve and it has good potential for a cheap and cheerful system.


Two things I have found is that android phones pick up IR much better than Iphones (I've not looked into why that is )


You need to have the scope well forward to give enough eye relief to see the screen. (This can be overcome by something like this)









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I'm glad you mentioned the eye relief, I'm not sure how far forward I can get it on the CZ511 I'm using as a test bed (variation going in for an extra NV dedicated rifle), I'll have a look later and report back...

Your comment RE android vs iphone, if that with or without the IR filter removed?


Thanks for the view finder link, looks ideal.


I've just ordered a full T20 set, should be here tomorrow for some bench tests.



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ok, a little bit of hacking over lunch, phone back off to expose the camera.




Now I winged the next bit, general prying and teasing to get things apart and I think I've removed the IR filter, pointy picture below. The filter that I got off was external, I'm nervous to go any further as it means breaking the lens away from the sensor chip. The quick test I did shows not alot fo difference before and after but I'm only using a TV remote as a light source. It certainly sees more than my Samsung S3 does tho.



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well, it turns out that little cover wasnt the IR filter, I had to split the camera housing and bust out what was the IR filter, in the process I managed to get some crap on the sensor so its now a little dirty and the focus isnt that great but I now see pure IR :)


trying to sort the focus out now, may well stick a big lens I have on it and do away with the phone lens all together... more progress and pics later.

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yes and no :)


I figured that my bad focusing was due to me damaging the focusing motor, no problem I thought I'll put a fixed lens on it so I pulled off the motor/lens housing from the sensor only to find it needed the circuit of the motor for the camera to work at all. So now I have the dreaded black screen of nothing.


Not all is lost tho, theres two tiny contacts left on the sensor so I'm going to try and short circuit across these two to fool the phone into thinking its still focusing and put on one of my own fixed focus lenses.


Its a shame as now I know how the camera is constructed I'd easily be able to dismantle to remove the IR filter and put it back together without the camera/phone knowing any different.... live and learn :)

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Did shorting it out work? I have been following this with great interest as I have a huge aversion to anything electronic yet deep down I want to have a try as well... :)

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Arr bugger that's a shame! However what was the plan if you had gotten it to work, connect it to a DSA or did you have another idea??


Whats a DSA?


Plan was to create a housing to mount it on the back of the scope, push the scope forward for eye relief, hack the phone to make the camera stay on as I need, stick an ir unit on top, job done... I hoped.... all is not lost tho, I have other phones kicking around or I could get a replacement camera for the HTC and start hacking again, they're only a few quid.

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Arr bugger that's a shame! However what was the plan if you had gotten it to work, connect it to a DSA or did you have another idea??


Whats a DSA?


Plan was to create a housing to mount it on the back of the scope, push the scope forward for eye relief, hack the phone to make the camera stay on as I need, stick an ir unit on top, job done... I hoped.... all is not lost tho, I have other phones kicking around or I could get a replacement camera for the HTC and start hacking again, they're only a few quid.


Did shorting it out work? I have been following this with great interest as I have a huge aversion to anything electronic yet deep down I want to have a try as well... :)


Havent tried yet, will give it a go over the next few days as I'm away with work.


Electrical stuff is like magic for me, if its working its magic, if smoke comes out so does the magic :).... I'm never scared to have a pop at anything new tho.

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is it a HTC Desire?


carefully remove the metal casing, mark the orientation of the camera before you remove it, Split it at the first joint up from the base of the camera on the side opposite to the two silver connectors that join top to bottom. the filter is on the back of the lens side, I used a small screwdriver to crack it out.


Dont break the two silver contacts joining top to bottom like I did.


make sure you dont touch the sensor, clean out any bits that shouldnt be there from cracking out the filter, close up the camera at the open join and glue down ensuring no glue goes inside (I used CA). Put all the metal bits back on and place back in phone.

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Having borked my phone camera I went back to messing around with an old 540 tvl board cam I had kicking around from my RC First Person Video days. Connected it all up to a 12v tv I had in the work shop, fired up the T20 IR and bingo, a great image in total darkness.


A pic I took of the tv image, this doesnt do it justice as its a phone cam struggling with the lack of white light, in reality the cross hairs etc are all very clear.




Now, how on earth am I going to mount a 17" wide screen on a scope :D

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