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Possible Shoot


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As the weather is settling down this week I am hoping to get another shoot going this Saturday down here in the Devon/Somerset border, I have already ok'ed it with the Farmer so no problem there......but cant use the same field as the last time as he has some livestock there and cant move them at the moment so I am going to look at another field further up the valley to see if it is suitable, will check it out on Tuesday.

So if all goes well WHO IS INTERESTED. please PM me.


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Tony, you are a star! But sadly I can't make it, my life is all up-side-down at present.

This is that opportunity that all you lot, who came up with excuses for missing the last one, have been waiting for.

Tony is a damn good host with some stunning countryside at his disposal. Make the most of this, it'll be a fun day out, and could be the start of something really good when we start returning his offer. I fully intend to do the same when I get myself settled.

Cheers Tony

All the best mate


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Hello again Tony, well done for fixing another shoot. I'd like to think I can make this one but again I am very busy - about to hit the road for Wales, and next Sunday heading for Cheshire - might not have time to squeeze in a visit to your patch, plus loading up some more ammo... I'll see how things go then contact you again on Thursday. I see the forecast is "white cloud" for Saturday...

Regards, Tony

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I'd love to but can't do this saturday. Between bisley trips and kitchen decorating I've missed quite a few shoots at my local club and have to go to shoot some postal comp cards this week or I'll miss the postal date.



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Tony, further to my message on Tuesday morning, as I suspected I really cannot make it for your second shoot this weekend. I am very busy indeed with work, got back Wednesday night from Wales and this Sunday I'm away to the Manchester area for a week. Good to be so busy but i'd have liked to meet you and get some rounds downrange on your land...

Another time!

Cheers, Tony

ps Tried a PM but received a message that you cannot receive PMs.....

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