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Roy W

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Everything posted by Roy W

  1. You are correct. Our online booking for last Thursday was cancelled, citing no marker available. we rebooked without a marker and self marked, and the booking was confirmed. The range office does lack proactivity, helpfulness, desire to fill the ranges. You are almost left feeling like you are being a pain trying to book to shoot sometimes!
  2. Bisley is in Tier 4, therefore those in Tiers 1,2,3 can't travel there. For Bisley to remain open in the hope that lots of shooters will break the law to go shooting would be reckless to say the least. Most of their staff were already on furlough, their re-opening business model is probably based on the numbers of staff available to manage things. It's never been run as a business, per-se, you only have to see the way that range bookings are batted off at the drop of a hat to realise that. We've sat waiting 10 days for a single lane to be confirmed recently, on the premis that a larger booking may come along which would take precedent. We cancelled in the end, so there was no booking at all. Like everyone they will have ticked over using the Govt money, will probably slim things down next year or remodel the way they work.
  3. I was just about to add Robin Martin. Doesn't look much from the outside, but they are old school Horologists and they turned my Omega round in half the estimated time. Robin Martin Portsmouth
  4. anyone handing in a lever release could get £115 compensation for these..................just saying
  5. It might pay to put photos of your actual AICS stock, rather than Sporting Services Advert, people might think it's a scam
  6. Which would make Windsor Davies the .455 *** Stopper
  7. I think the fact it's Milspec answers the question. Lapua Brass it isn't, but then again, it is good quality for multiple reloads for CSR type shooting. Do the primers actually sit proud? Mine are well below the base of the case.
  8. Does it really make much of a difference? I use GGG swaged brass all the time. in 3 years I have loaded and shot over 13k rounds of it through two ARs, with no primer issues at all. It's Milspec brass after all.
  9. .50 Cal - Chuck Norris 12G - Rutger Hauer
  10. Whereabouts in Lincs are you please? We are discussing options with a fellow shooter who is in Lincs. Thanks
  11. It was 19hrs ago according to the post above yours. Why not PM him an offer
  12. Surely if it has a rifled barrel it ceases to be a shotgun
  13. There has to be a reason for no photos ! 🤣 You're amongst friends, nobody will laugh🤥
  14. I have a 12.5" barrel on my BAR22. I want a longer barrel. If that appeals to you (best of both worlds) and they are an easy swap, I'd be happy to
  15. I expect the Home Office has other priorities this year, rather than working out how to introduce a compensation scheme. They are in a win win at the moment because nobody can buy or sell one and it hasn't cost them a penny yet. However, by allowing everyone to keep them and use them, they have rather shot their initial argument in the foot because they can't be that dangerous or a big risk if they let people keep them. Such is the ludicrousy of Firearms legislation!
  16. Did you respond to the interested party on the CSR forum?
  17. There are probably as many of them in the 'civvy' shooting world as there are 'second men on the balcony'..........................
  18. Is anyone able to explain the process for stripping down an AI bolt? Removing the shroud and firing pin etc. Can't seem to find instructions anywhere? Cheers
  19. Join the NRA, £75 for the year, includes Insurance
  20. It's to do with the safety area. The military shoot .338 at Bisley, but the NRA deem them to be more responsible and less likely to send one over the top of the backstop. Having seen some of the club shooters at Bisley, I am inclined to agree with their caution!
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