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Posts posted by Re-Pete

  1. I use one of these:


    They often turn up on used lab eqpt sites, and being "industrial" are a lot more efficient than much of the new stuff to be found on ebay etc.










  2. I've had this time and again, so I'll now only buy stuff after ringing to ask if they have it in front of them...............which also means that I avoid those rainy day "impulse buys"😀

    I have to say it's never happened when buying bullets and cases from www.ballisticservice24.eu.......


  3. James8870, that weight of bullet in that calibre at that speed would have me twitching every time I pulled the trigger.................something ain't right, and I hope it's the chrony............

    I just ran your load through QL using the standard COL etc, and it says 2754fps and Pmax 62920. 6.5x47 CIP spec is 63091 psi, so it's already hotter than I would ever consider.

    To get 2950fps, you're looking at 39.5 grains of Varget and a Pmax of 79899psi.............somewhere near proof pressure?

    I know QL has it's limitations, but even so............


  4. It's a chemical reaction, so no powder can be completely temperature stable...............some are reputedly better than others. When I know the forecast is for hot weather, I reduce the load slightly.

    The receiver will get hot and also affect the temperature of the round (brass is a good conductor of heat), so the time taken to chamber and fire will also play a part.


  5. Quickload, but read , study, and inwardly digest the manual, and start 10% lower............the most useful bit of shooting related s/ware I've come across. Covers almost every bullet & powder under the sun.

    Second is Litz's tome "Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting", together with the included calculator CD.

    All you'll ever need............


  6. I flame mine in the dark so that I can see the actual colour. Gave up messing about with tempilaq..............the gas flame varies as the gun heats up, so keeping an eye on the colour and adjusting the exposure time works best for me. I'm on a batch of 6.5x47 cases that are still going strong after 22 firings, annealing after every 5 or 6.


  7. I came to the same conclusion, albeit by a slightly more Heath Robinson approach involving a pair of long nosed pliers and a couple of burnt fingers.............

    The Lyman melter got the salt up to 550C in around 25-30 mins at full throttle, but with the knob at 2/3rds of it's travel, the temp  swing between power on and power off was over 50C.

    Needs more work.................I guess that when the melter is used for lead, it's nowhere near as critical.


  8. My trial run with molten salt definitely softened the neck/shoulder area. The difference was easily felt simply by squashing the neck before and after with a pair of long nosed pliers. (a dud case........)

    As for annealing too much of the case body, jury is still out.............


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